Computational Statistics

Unleashing the Power of Data Analysis

Pratyay Mondal
9 min readJul 2, 2023

What is Computational Statistics?

Computational Statistics is the branch of mathematics that is all about the gathering, observing, interpretation, presentation, and organization of data. In simpler words, it is a field to collect and summarize data.

Computational Statistics is the study of data collection, analysis, perception, introduction, and organization. It is a method of gathering and summarizing results. There are two important principles involved in statistics they are, uncertainty and variation. These two factors can be calculated only through statistical analysis. This uncertainty in events is determined with the help of probability which plays an important role in the field of statistics.

Computational statistics is a rapidly evolving field that has revolutionized the way we analyze and interpret data. It combines statistical theory with computational methods to tackle complex problems and extract valuable insights from vast amounts of data. With the advancements in technology and the availability of massive datasets, computational statistics has emerged as an indispensable tool for researchers, data scientists, and decision-makers across various disciplines. This article explores the fundamental principles, applications, and challenges of computational statistics, highlighting its significant impact on modern data analysis.

Statistics has a wide range of applications in many disciplines, including economics, psychology, geology, weather forecasts, and so on. The information gathered for research here may be quantitative or qualitative. Quantitative data can also be divided into two types:

discrete and continuous. Continuous data has a spectrum rather than a single value, whereas discrete data has a fixed value.

Foundations of Computational Statistics

Computational statistics draws upon foundational concepts from both statistics and computer science. It integrates statistical theory, probability theory, and numerical algorithms to develop efficient computational methods for data analysis. The field encompasses various subfields such as statistical modelling, hypothesis testing, data visualization, machine learning, and optimization techniques. By leveraging these tools, computational statisticians can tackle complex problems and provide rigorous and reliable statistical analyses.

Examples of Statistics

  1. Suppose there are 20 students in a class and you have to calculate what is the average height in the class of 20 students. So here the average or the mean value is the statistics of the height obtained.
  2. Suppose you need to calculate what is the literacy rate of a city that has a population of 2 lakh people, hence we will take a survey of 2000 people (sample) and based on that data which is the statistic, we will find out the rate.
  3. Statistics is used in various day-to-day applications like weather forecasting, stock market trend prediction, traffic light optimization, investing, etc.

Computational Statistics Vs Machine Learning

The most significant difference between computational statistics and machine learning is that computational statistics deals with and focuses on handling statistical problems and uses computing devices to solve those problems, while machine learning, on the other hand, deals with and focuses on the problem of simulating human learning on machines.

Computational Statistics Vs Data Science

The main difference between computational statistics and data science is that computational statistics is a subarea of scientific computing that follows scientific rigour, but data science is a field in which data scientists tend to be satisfied with accepting any method that offers the best business value.

Types of Statistics

There are two types of Statistics:

  • Descriptive Statistics: The data is summarized and interpreted and explained in this type of statistics. The data is summarized from a population sample using factors such as mean and standard deviation. It is a way of organizing, presenting, and explaining a set of data using graphs and summary measures. Typical methods include histograms, pie charts, bars, and scatter plots to summarise data and show it in tables or graphs. Simply put, descriptive statistics are that. Beyond the data they gather, they don’t need to be normalized.
  • Inferential Statistics: We try to understand the meaning of descriptive statistics using inferential statistics. After the data has been gathered, assessed, and summarised, we use inferential statistics to explain what the data mean. Inferential statistics uses the probability principle to examine if patterns seen in a research sample may be extrapolated to the larger population from which the sample was taken. Inferential statistics may be used to forecast population numbers in addition to testing hypotheses and examining connections between variables. To draw conclusions and inferences from samples, or to make accurate generalizations, inferential statistics are used.

Role of Statistics in Computer Science

  • Data acquisition and enrichment work with experimental design for the collection of data or noise reduction.
  • Data exploration works by discerning the distribution and variability.
  • Analysis and modelling are combined with group differences, dimension reduction, prediction, and classification.
  • Representation and reporting are in conjunction with visualization and communication.

Statistics Formulas

Data in Statistics

Data is a collection of observations, it can be in the form of numbers, words, measurements, or statements.

Statistical Data

When complete census data cannot be obtained, statisticians gather sample data through the creation of complex experiment designs and survey samples. Statistics, in and of itself, offers tools for prediction and forecasting via statistical models. The scientific discipline of probability theory includes sampling theory. In mathematical statistics, probability is used to investigate the sampling distributions of sample statistics and, more broadly, the properties of statistical procedures like organizing and grouping data through graphs, pie charts, etc.

Representation of data

Data may be represented in various ways, including tables, charts, and graphs. In general, statistical data are represented as follows:

Bar Chart:

In a bar chart, rectangular bars with lengths corresponding to the values they indicate are used to demonstrate data groups. Both a vertical and a horizontal bar plot are possible.

Pie Chart:

A pie chart is a form of a graph where a circle is divided into sectors, each of which represents a percentage of the entire.

Line Graph:

The line chart is represented by a series of data points connected with a straight line.


In a pictograph, information is displayed as images. Different numbers can be used to represent various pictorial symbols for words, objects, and phrases.


The histogram is a type of graph where the diagram consists of rectangles, the area is proportional to the frequency of a variable and the width is equal to the class interval.

Frequency Distribution:

Statistics display the data in ascending order together with their accompanying frequencies in a frequency distribution table.
f is a common way to indicate the data’s frequency.

Statistical Methods

Measures of Central Tendency:

Statistics are employed in mathematics to explain the central patterns of both grouped and ungrouped data. The three central tendency measurements are:

  • Mean
  • Median
  • Mode

The central value of the data set is determined using each of the three measures of central tendency.

Measures of Dispersion:

In statistics, the dispersion measures help in understanding how homogeneous or heterogeneous the data is. In simpler words, it shows how constrained or dispersed the variable is. Absolute and relative dispersion metrics are the two different categories that exist. They are as follows:

  • Range
  • Variance
  • Standard Deviation
  • Quartiles and Quartile Deviation
  • Mean and Mean Deviation

Regression Analysis:

In this model, the link between the variables is established using statistical analysis. The process represents how a dependent variable changes as a result of an altered independent variable.

ANOVA Statistics:

Analysis of Variance, or ANOVA, is a group of statistical models that are employed to calculate the mean difference for the specified set of data.

Skewness in Statistics:

In statistics, skewness is a metric for a probability distribution’s asymmetry. For specific data collection, it calculates the deviation from the normal distribution curve.

Skewed distribution values might be positive, negative, or zero. The normal distribution’s bell curve often has zero skewness.

Degree of Freedom:

The degree of freedom is employed in statistical analysis for the values that are subject to change. The degree of information freedom refers to the amount of independent data or information that may be changed when estimating a parameter.

Applications of Computational Statistics

The applications of computational statistics are vast and diverse, permeating almost every domain where data analysis is essential.

  • Machine Learning: Computational statistics form the backbone of modern machine learning algorithms. Techniques like regression, decision trees, support vector machines, and neural networks rely on statistical principles and computational efficiency to deliver accurate predictions in applications like image recognition, natural language processing, and recommendation systems.
  • Medicine and Healthcare: computational statistics is used to analyze patient data, conduct clinical trials, and develop predictive models for disease diagnosis and treatment.
  • Bioinformatics and Genomics: Computational statistics play a crucial role in analyzing biological and genetic data. It aids in identifying disease-related genetic variants, predicting protein structures, and understanding gene expression patterns, leading to advancements in personalized medicine and bioinformatics research.
  • Finance and Economics: Financial modelling, risk assessment, and portfolio optimization heavily rely on computational statistics. By processing large volumes of financial data, computational statistics enables traders, economists, and financial analysts to make informed decisions and manage risk effectively.
  • Social Sciences: In fields like sociology, psychology, and political science, computational statistics facilitates the analysis of social phenomena, opinion polls, and behavioural patterns. Researchers can derive valuable insights and draw more accurate conclusions from vast and diverse datasets.

Advantages of Computational Statistics

  • One of the primary advantages of computational statistics lies in its ability to handle massive datasets that are beyond the capacity of traditional statistical methods.
  • With the exponential growth of data in the digital age, computational techniques provide scalable and efficient solutions for processing and analyzing such datasets.
  • Moreover, computational statistics enables researchers to tackle complex models and conduct simulations that were previously infeasible.
  • It allows for the exploration of intricate relationships within data, facilitating the discovery of hidden patterns and driving scientific advancements.

Challenges in Computational Statistics

Despite its remarkable potential, computational statistics faces certain challenges.

  • The reliance on computational algorithms requires careful validation and verification to ensure the accuracy and reliability of results.
  • Additionally, the field is confronted with issues of algorithmic bias, privacy concerns, and the ethical use of data.
  • Developing robust computational methods that can handle high-dimensional data, address nonlinearity, and account for uncertainty remains an ongoing research endeavour.
  • Moreover, there is a constant need to strike a balance between computational efficiency and statistical rigour, as well as to develop user-friendly tools that allow non-experts to harness the power of computational statistics.

The Future of Computational Statistics

  • The future of computational statistics appears promising, with advancements in machine learning, artificial intelligence, and cloud computing. These developments provide opportunities to enhance the capabilities of computational statistics further and address existing challenges.
  • Deep learning algorithms, for instance, enable the discovery of intricate patterns in unstructured data, revolutionizing fields like image recognition and natural language processing.
  • Additionally, the integration of computational statistics with domain-specific knowledge and expertise will lead to more accurate and interpretable models, thus enabling informed decision-making.


Computational statistics has transformed the landscape of data analysis, empowering researchers and practitioners to unlock hidden insights within vast and complex datasets. By combining statistical theory with computational methods, it offers scalable and efficient solutions to tackle real-world problems across a wide range of disciplines. As the field continues to evolve, addressing challenges related to algorithmic validation, privacy, and ethical considerations will be crucial. With ongoing advancements and the synergy between computational statistics and other emerging technologies, we can anticipate exciting opportunities and innovative applications that will shape the future of data analysis and decision-making.



Pratyay Mondal

Pursued Engineering in Computer Science and Business Systems